We have a handful of students who choose to spend a semester or year off campus to extend their learning in a totally different environment. At times we have had exchange programs for a semester overseas through Camden Hills, but we also have students who have gone abroad through other international programs. Below are links to where our students have spent time learning in the past decade. Feel free to explore these options and talk to your counselor and parents about the realities of making this happen. The school does not fund these opportunities - they are sole the financial responsibility of the family. What we can do is connect you to other students who have gone and help strategize your academic course load before and after to best streamline the semester or year away.
The Island School - semester in the Bahamas studying marine biology and learning to scuba dive
The Traveling School - semester for girls in South America or Southern Africa immersed in culture and the outdoors
High Mountain Institute - semester in the Colorado Rockies with an emphasis on expeditions
Chewonki Maine Coast Semester - semester in coastal ecology, humanities, and outdoor adventure
CIEE - summer, semester, or a year abroad in a variety of countries. This organization is headquartered in Portland!
AFS - summer, semester, or a year abroad in a variety of countries
EF - summer, semester, or a year abroad in a variety of countries