National Honor Society (NHS)

Selection Procedure

  • First step: students' academic records are reviewed to determine those persons who are SCHOLASTICALLY ELIGIBLE for membership. The CHRHS By-laws require a grade point average of 93 weighted. You will need to see the Registrar or Ms. Howard or Mr. Ouellette if you have questions.
  • Students who are eligible scholastically (i.e., "Candidates") may then complete the NHS Student Activities Form and Signature Form. The Student Activities form outlines the candidate's accomplishments in the areas of Service and Leadership. Please limit your responses to a grand total of one page. Help sessions are available for candidates providing assistance in properly filling out their forms. See Mrs. Cole-Pardun or Ms. Howard about these sessions. Care should be taken to follow the established guidelines and time schedule for completing and submitting the forms.
  • Student Activity Information Forms are available on-line via GoogleDocs.  There is a second form (signature form) that needs to be printed- this form is for candidate and parent/guardian signatures, this form must be hand delivered to Mr. Ouellette or Ms. Howard prior to the deadline.
  • Once all applications are received, faculty and staff input is requested on a ‘Faculty Feedback Form' (The actual selection of members is made by the five appointed members of the Faculty Council).  The faculty does not vote on individual students, rather they provide feedback on areas of service, leadership, and character. Input from faculty is confidential. Written comments from Faculty only become part of the evaluative process if they are accompanied by a signature.
  • Faculty Council members deliberate on all the information available: from the faculty feedback, the Activity Information Form,  and administrative or school disciplinary records. The Faculty Council uses a rubric based on the National Standards when reviewing applications. 
  • It is important to note that the chapter advisors (Mr. Ouellette and Ms. Howard) do not vote on the council nor do they make suggestions for selection/non-selection.  Appeals in cases of non-selection: contact the Chapter Advisors for more information. The Chapter Advisors will explain how the decision was made. There are no appeals to the Faculty Council's decision.

Questions and Answers about the National Honor Society

  1. Isn't NHS just like any other club or activity the High School offers?
    NHS is NOT like other clubs or organizations. This means that you don't apply and automatically become part of the group. Rather, you complete a Student Activity Information Form that allows the Advisor and Faculty Council to become aware that you are interested in being chosen for membership.
  2. Who is eligible to complete a Student Activity Form?
    Any 11th or 12th grade student who has a weighted GPA of 93 or higher. In the Spring, eligible 10th graders may be considered.
  3. Who rates the eligible students in terms of the characteristics observed within the school?
    After completion of the Activity From, the entire school staff  provide feedback on eligible students. The Faculty Council carefully reviews those ratings in addition to your Activity Form and members are then selected.
  4. What are the characteristics that are considered for membership?
    Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character.
  5. What is considered Leadership?
    Being an officer in a club or organization; fulfilling the role of captain or co-captain on a team; exercising positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals and spirit; demonstrating initiative in forming groups or helping with fundraising; contributing ideas that improve the civic life of the school; exemplifying a positive attitude; etc. Evidence of Leadership should show effectiveness and consistency.
  6. What is considered under Service?
    Service which is done on behalf of others without direct financial compensation. Service during the high school years is considered. Current NHS members much complete 30 hours of service per school year. Service is a major consideration for membership. Evidence of Service should be consistent and varied.
  7. How is Character rated?
    This is the most difficult criterion to define. All judgments in this and other selection criteria should be free of speculation and rumor. Discipline infractions/administrative referrals are noted.  We use the Six Pillars of Character (from ). Included are: takes criticism willingly, consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of friendliness, follows established school expectations and code of conduct, stability; is honest and reliable; shows courtesy, concern and respect for others; etc.

For more information contact Mr. Ouellette [email protected] or Ms. Howard  [email protected] or look on the National Honor Society website