What is the Gifted and Talented Program?
The CHRHS Gifted and Talented program supports students who have been formally identified as Gifted and Talented in either Academics or Arts. Gifted Students will have access to an Education Plan that outlines their needs and goals. This plan will be reviewed each year. The G/T coordinator with work with Gifted Students to access the multiple pathways in high school. Gifted students may access advanced level courses (e.g. AP, Dual Enrollment), courses designed specifically for GT students, mentorships, and other individualized learning opportunities. To be identified as Gifted and Talented, a student must go through the CHRHS screening and identification process, which is explained by following the links below. This identification process is required whether the student has been previously identified as gifted and talented at an earlier grade level or not. A committee of teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators meets yearly to review evidence collected about the students who apply for the program. Although students may submit their materials for consideration at any point in the year, the committee only meets at established times. Thus, if a student applies for the program, the application materials will remain "on file" with the Gifted and Talented Program Coordinator until the next time the identification committee meets.
Who should consider the Gifted and Talented Program?
Students who are highly gifted, intellectually advanced, and/or highly creative, should consider applying for the Gifted and Talented Program, especially if they thrive on project-based learning that involves investigation, designing unique products, and solving real-world problems. Students who are artistically gifted or talented should also consider applying for the Gifted and Talented Arts Program (scroll to the bottom for link), which has an altogether different set of offerings in the Arts.
What are the different types of Gifted and Talented Identification, and how does the program serve students according to their type of Giftedness?
Maine state law specifies three distinct categories of “Giftedness,” and requires schools to provide appropriate services to students identified in each category:
General Intellectual Ability- This means broad-based mental, cognitive capacity that is not restricted to a specific subject or skill.
How we serve these children- We provide an array of special, interdisciplinary, problem-based classes across grades 9-12 that focus on open-ended, investigative, real-world learning. These classes are designated as G/T, and they are delivered in a way that is consistent with the unique needs of Gifted and Talented learners. Importantly, they also provide identified students with distinct periods in school to learn in the company of peers of similar ability.
Subject-Specific Aptitude- This means giftedness in a particular area, such as Mathematics, English, Science, or Social Studies.
How we serve these children- For many children with this form of giftedness, acceleration of the curriculum is the most appropriate option. Therefore, when possible, such students may be placed in classes that are above typical grade level in the area of giftedness. If a student goes beyond the curriculum offered in the school (for example, the student completes the highest level of mathematics offered in the high school course catalog by 10th grade), we arrange appropriate out-of-school experiences that are matched to the child’s ability. These may take the form of independent study experiences, college courses, or mentorships.
Students identified with subject-specific aptitude are also eligible to enroll in special Gifted and Talented classes at CHRHS.
Artistic Ability- This means giftedness or talent in artistic areas, including both Visual and Performing Arts.
How we serve these children—These children are served through the Gifted and Talented Arts Program (for more information, consult the Gifted and Talented Arts Program page on this website).